Children without fathers

*Children without Fathers*

Today more than ever, victims of a free society are the children.
With 15 million children in the United States alone living in poverty, it is not difficult to understand the stresses and injustices being faced. It can be safely assumed that for the most part, these children are living with their single mothers, who are usually earning much less than the fathers who after divorce make a complete disappearing act, do not pay child support, and who carry on as if they never had a child is “deadbeat dads” contemporary studies show how important the father figure is for all children. Boys especially, need male role models, but current studies are showing a disadvantage for children raised without fathers. Without the father’s presence, researches contend, children are more likely going to learn how to deal with life much the same way their mothers do, often more emotionally charged. Boys raised in the absence of a father are especially able to manipulate the mother who is not as rigid in discipline as father usually is. Before long the kids are out from under the mother’s control.

There have been studies documenting that 98% of juvenile offenders come from homes with absent fathers or homes with stepfathers, while in contrast only 17% were without a mother. While there are numerous studies linking a mother’s absence due to working outside of the home, there seems to be a correlation that has been ignored between delinquency and weak or absent fathers. As Terri Apter puts it, ” Sons need fathers if they are to mature into adults who can function in this demanding and often unfriendly society. Men who have had the benefit of a strong bond with their fathers are most likely to be successful in their education and careers; they are less emotional and more logical in their approach to life. Because men show more intrest in studies about automobiles, electronics and architecture, they often know how to deal more effectively with things related to everyday necessities such as the maintenance of automobiles and house repairs. These little but valuable how-to techniques are of vital importance to everyday living. Without a man around the house woman find they struggle more with things they do not fully understand or have an intrest in.

New studies suggest that even young girls are deeply effected when raised without father. In short, the studies found that women who had a strong father figure were more likely to succeed in the social stratosphere in comparison to women who did not grow up with fathers.

# single mothers, juvenile,Orphans

114 comments on “Children without fathers

  1. This is called as “”fatherless growth”.

    Liked by 8 people

  2. Nice to see you posting again.. Imran Ali..
    And while all of this is true and excellent
    Information.. it is also true when the
    Father is lost for whatever reason
    From the Nuclear Family of
    Two Parents when Life is
    Nomadic and there is
    No Longer an extended
    Family and Close-Knit
    Village to Fill the
    Void of
    Divine Masculine
    Influence all that’s
    Left is for a Boy to
    Become His own Father
    And that is an Extremely
    Difficult task to seek alone
    But never the less that is the
    Reality of
    Modern Life
    When A Dollar
    Bill as God to Make A
    Nomadic Hunt of Life
    Is valued over the God
    Of Love where Folks
    Stick together as
    Love and of
    Course a
    Family does
    Not Guarantee that
    With Both Parents
    Overwhelmed Working
    For the God of the Dollar
    Bill while the Children are
    Raised by Electronic
    With No
    Soul in a Cave of
    Home separated
    From the Breath
    Of God
    In a New Disease
    Globally Spreading
    Of Nature Deficit Disorder
    NDD that is another way of
    Saying GDD God Deficit
    Of Human
    Soul as Life..
    Anyway.. again
    Nice to see you
    Writing.. Again.. my FriEnd..:)

    Liked by 10 people

  3. Interesting perspective. Although I agree with the importance of a good (emphasis) masculine figure in the rearing of children, I remind myself that in a less than perfectly structured society, or when individuals perform their respective parts less than ideally; an argument can be made for well-brought-up, as well as adjusted children raised minus the nuclear family model. For example, where a parent must live away from their children because of work.

    Liked by 9 people

  4. This is so sad, but true I guess.

    Liked by 5 people

  5. to the point 😉 my father was absent as well;-) the results are visible on my blog;-) I’m inviting you, br Paulina, Poland;-)

    Liked by 4 people

    • Hello, Paulina! Went to Your site, but found everything, including Your Facebook page, un-understandable! Frankly, I do not even know what language it was, – Look at me, Only Now noticed that You have written ‘Poland.’ . 😦 …Here You have written in English. It would be good if You would write some thing in English too! …I see that You are a Sports Person! Kudos and Regards and All the Best. 🙂

      Liked by 4 people

  6. Nice perspective and well explained !

    Liked by 5 people

  7. Very thought provoking post, well done Imran on your sensitivity and vivid imagery. The absence of a father is well apparent on my blog writings. Sadly the mentality in Pakistan about orphans is very negative and it gets more discriminatory when you are a orphan daughter.
    Complete difference in treatment even inside families and also public sphere.
    Men within relatives and clan behave very strangely with young girls/ young women that are orphans,and these same very men will behave very carefully with girls/young women that are not fatherless.
    In case that a girl/ young woman father is dead is the biggest curse and hurdle that I and million of fatherless daughters go through in Pakistani society.
    I applaud your post and boldness to take on such a touchy subject. Salaams.

    Liked by 7 people

  8. Imran Ali if it’s possible I would like to work and support with you in Uganda Africa because here its so worse, in Uganda more children they failed to get there future aspects because of losing there parents father or mother but for me I decided to make an orphan project and maybe you can try to see this and I may need your help if you can kigungukidseducare.wordpress.com

    Liked by 5 people

  9. Thank you for passing by my blog… and thanks a lot for the generous likes !

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Nice write up.. even though I don’t agree with many of the points mentioned. This topic is subjected to debate.

    Liked by 4 people

  11. I must confess that a true father figure is very essential for the children, therefore your opinion is generally right, however it depends on the personality of the child as well.

    Liked by 4 people

  12. eye opener post. Almighty Allah created parents to bring new life this world and made them both responsible to raise their children together. Both mother and father are responsible. If one dies or leaves for any reason, it is the child who suffers the most. So parents should, ought to and MUST try and sacrifice their likes, dislikes and comfort for their children, That’s why divorce though allowed but disliked by the Creator

    Liked by 5 people

  13. Thanks a lot for your likes and follow😍

    Liked by 3 people

  14. This is so true, and I am an example of it. My father grew without a father figure and until this day, he is a very emotional guy who has issues even when going on business trips because he feels lonely… I’m a married woman, and he still acts like a kid and seeks emotional comfort from others. When I was a kid, I remember him just as someone who ran away from his marital problems at home and spend even weekends at work. At some point they divorced and I lost contact with him for more than a decade. Definitely I can say that I never had a strong male figure and it shows with all the issues I have. Kids need both parents present in their lives. Not just physically, also mentally and emotionally. Teaching by example is the best thing they can do, you don’t tell your kid to be a good man or woman and walk away, you become a great man or woman so your kid follows your example. Or so I think, based on my experiences 🙂 Great post Imran!

    Liked by 5 people

  15. Kudos once again, my Dear Imran. Heart touching.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Never saw it that way. This made me think. 🤔👆

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Thank you for so many likes 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Thank you for so many likes ☺️

    Liked by 2 people

  19. I’ve been told this by psychologists: a mother trains a child’s sense of being, and a father trains a sense of security in their identity. Great thoughts!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. This article is excellent, but in the last sentence in the second paragraph, you misspelled “interest.”

    Liked by 2 people

  21. Very well written. I can relate to this.

    Liked by 2 people

  22. Thought provoking article. Thank you for sharing. I agree with you that children when raised by both parents do better in life. Both the father and the mother figures are important for the blossoming of a boy or a girl into a healthy, sane and responsible adult. Probably a man who has had an unhappy childhood will leave behind his kid/s.
    Promiscuity is another plague. On the whole, the world is a very sad place.

    Liked by 5 people

  23. Very interesting and important information you shared! It highlights the importance of both parents and how in the absence of one, maybe a focus on finding good mentors for the child can help.

    Liked by 2 people

  24. I heard that in Afghanistan, there are almost two million widows and orphans. Why worry about the kids in the US when the fellow Muslims are languishing?

    Liked by 2 people

  25. Title is touchy and write up say lots of in itself.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. I totally agree with you as a person who have suffered from the problem you explained here. I had a chance to observe it as a teacher, too… I also like seeing the impact of the father on an author’s life and writing, and enjoy studying it. I mean, I enjoy solving this puzzle and getting the idea through lines. I do not enjoy the fact of course because it is so sad.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. I can subscribe that 100 per cent. This is a weakness in our society and social systems. Growing up fatherless leaves no kid unaffected. Many of them develop strange behavior, psychological syndromes or volatile bonding.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much indeed !
      As our beloved Hitler said
      “To be German is to be clear”
      I am glad that u admit the weaknesses of your society
      You are brave and truthful as well


      • Hitler said a lot, for example “Germans are fast as race dogs, tough as leather and hard as Krupp’s steel”😊 Considering the weaknesses of my society is very much allowed in my society, which has also its strengths and merits. No one is put into prison for publishing things the government doesn’t like. We protect all religions and their worship, and all the world wants to live with us, it seems😄

        Liked by 1 person

      • I appreciate that !
        I personally respect honarable Chancellor
        Ma’am Angela Merkel.
        And I highly admire free education in your respected country
        And German engineering as well !!!


  28. Good one ..keep up the good work..it reminded of my friend who lost her father in an accident while reading your blog post ..it’s touching..

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Girls without fathers sometimes search for a father figure in all the wrong places exposing themselves to abuse. God is The Greatest Father EVER!

    Liked by 1 person

  30. I was searching articles on same topic for my next stream and this comes along the way– ab seedha copy paste – hahaha

    Liked by 1 person

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