A Messiah Whom no one Loves !


A MESSIAH Whom No One Loves!


The United States may feel it rightful to claim to be the benefactor and the leader of the world as an upholder of all her illusionary ideals of equality, peace, freedom, justice, as well as a champion of human rights. No doubt, for many people she is the Great Provider of their daily bread, giving food, money, and arms to scores of nations and assisting them in the implementation of their development plans in the name of Foreign Aid. But is it all just for the sake of charity? Out of human compassion for the suffering and starving nations? If it had been so, the whole world would have been worshipping the Great America, or at least would have been sincerely grateful to her. Masses all over the world should have been deeply in love with their “Messiah”.  But is it really what America is getting in return? No, the reality is just opposite – she is the most hated country (may be after Israel?) on the face of the earth today.

 A number of countries may feel protected against external aggression because of their defense pacts and other arrangements with America. For them, having friendly relations with the America is the greatest guarantee for having peace and maintaining their sovereignty. Yet, no one is sincerely thankful towards her. On the contrary, they never miss an opportunity to denounce her. An undercurrent of hatred is found everywhere against her, resulting in America having no sincere friends, no true well-wishers in any part of the world. The question is: Do the leaders of this great country not feel it? Are its thinkers blissfully unaware of this reality? No, they must be knowing that for all her dollars, what America is getting back is a kick here and a let-down there. But have they ever cared to go to the roots of the matter? If they do a little self-introspection, they will find that at the core of it all lies America’s own insincerity.

The entire concept and mechanism of aid and assistance devised by the United States is devoid of earnestness to serve the humanity. In the very first place, it is America herself that is responsible for whatever turmoil the poor nations are facing today. Her generosity in turn is again a cloak for the exploitation of the weaker and the poorer nations. She gives, but not to enable them to stand on their own feet. Her magnanimity is aimed at the perpetuation of their dependence upon her. It is a way to keep other nations in a perpetual debt so as to keep their loyalty, to disarm them against America – in one word, to force them to “Slavery”. Her so graciously donated “Foreign Aid” is thus a misleading term, a way of acting out and implementing her (America’s) imperialist designs in the garb of a messiah – a messiah whom no one really loves!

97 comments on “A Messiah Whom no one Loves !

  1. Time has come for the world to unite and call a spade a spade and stop this so called provider nation from.being the international police! Even her own citizens have realized the hypocricy of their motherland!

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Great post Imran Ali!
    The issue here of course is American leaders and not American citizens..
    Happy new year my dear brother..may the new year be better for the whole world..
    I wish you more progress in your blog and in your life..

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Smiles.. my friend..
    in a world of leaders..
    most commonly to have
    a desire for status and
    power to lead.. means in
    effect.. a loss of affect to
    be filled by human Love
    in sharing and giving
    that Love
    with other
    the ones who
    make the rules
    will drain every ounce
    of resources of where
    power and status will
    take them.. as they
    fill a hole of soul
    that can only
    be truly
    as the
    God of Nature
    intends as human
    Love.. no doubt
    we need rule
    to establish
    order in huge
    populations or anarchy
    and chaos will be the end
    result of humans only evolving
    still now.. to connect to 150 to 200
    sets of eyes.. the entire planet is out
    of balance.. and as far as God’s eYes
    go God views the Earth as one living
    creation of GOD..
    the killing
    of God’s home
    for us.. expands
    all across the globe..
    with sure the US having
    very dirty hands of
    killing God’s
    home in
    balance of
    us from
    the origin
    of the
    here in slaughtering
    a kind way of Love
    in Reverence of THe
    Great Spirit of
    GOD that
    and is
    aLL pArt
    and whole
    of Nature ONE..
    the entire weight
    of the balance of dark
    as in favor of light for a
    thriving home of us.. is
    certainly a dark place
    as the US.. but nah..
    not much darker
    than the
    rest of
    advanced world
    of an Apex predator
    that is only smart
    to destroy
    the home
    and fruit
    of what
    God gives
    Human to
    There is room for much
    humility and subservience
    to the God of Nature to get
    back in Balance and the
    Lighter GRACES OF
    the GOD of NATURE..
    and sure
    nuclear bombs
    will destroy all of
    us.. in a world
    War III..
    but the
    US answer
    for that
    is newer
    that are more effective
    killing machines seriously
    pointed directly at the
    Middle East..
    if the
    big acts
    of terrorism
    in dirty bombs
    come our way..
    i hate it yes.. but
    there is no Love
    in Power and Status
    as history shows over
    and over..
    i Love the
    US for the
    the US gives
    me.. as i depend
    on God and
    to be
    and can do
    that here.. and there
    is zero i can do to bring
    Love to Hearts.. Spirits..
    and Souls.. who are the
    leaders and rule makers
    of the way things will
    continue to go..
    and sadly
    it seems
    much more
    blood will shed
    and even more sadly
    it appears that it will
    be the innocents from
    your area of the world
    who will suffer at the
    greatest hands of power
    and status.. as where there
    is no Love.. there is no respect
    for human life.. no matter what
    in microphones
    of literal human
    hell.. making the
    rules and power
    plays of
    and hate..
    no matter what
    country fear and
    hate lives in it
    destroys all
    that is light
    it will do us all the best
    if we pray for Peace and
    Love and it will do the Middle
    East as a whole even better if they
    never ever.. do something like 9/11
    to the Lion over here.. that is deficit
    Love over there..
    as whole.. and not just
    limited to rogue
    of Hell..
    without even
    noticing all the
    Love that exists
    over theRe.. human
    iS Love.. when best
    expresSinG.. but sadly
    all stuff cultural rules
    Human Love..
    as it is mostly
    designed by
    of LOVE..
    It’s really sad to
    have no real answers
    but sometimes all one
    can do is do the best
    they can
    what they
    have.. it’s
    what God
    and done..
    and sure.. my
    philosophy too..
    for now.. my friend..:)

    Liked by 3 people

  4. This is a wonderful write up. Very concise, very true.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Reblogged this on ahlamjameelah and commented:
    Being a while since I posted on the blog, lots of things are going on in the background. But read this, and thought I should share

    Liked by 3 people

  6. I do not understand Politics, hehe, but I read it all because you write so well. I am here to wish you and your family, A Happy new year 2016. Hope all your dreams come true this year. Take care. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Hay ya !! Happy new year !! Hola friends ! Please check out this blogger bobbyyadav.wordpress.com really his works amazing ! And I liked urs too ^~^ stay bleesed !!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Happy new year!!😀 I wish you luck for 2k16!😃

    Liked by 2 people

  9. You are a Very Earnest Young man, my Dear Imran, and I appreciate You a lot for that.

    As for people loving others or not doing so.

    Actually, the word ‘Love’ cannot and should not be used here. It is a mere feeling, a passing fad.

    These kinds of love and hate are actually meaningless. It is outright Childish! When people’s expectations are met, they say that they love, and vice versa.

    Arvind Kejriwal is one of the Best Men in India just now, and he is hated! Whereas certain others, with Blood on their conscience reach high offices and millions are ‘fida’ on him! Absolutely Unreasonable and Meaningless, at the same time Proof of what I say.

    If such kinds of people ‘love’ an idea, a person or a country, it does NOT mean that any of these are Right! YOU know that there are enough who do not like, and even hate Mohammad Saheb, and would that make him any the less?

    America is not the Best country, (who knows which is?!), and I am not going to write Apologetics about it. But compared to russia, china and a dozen others, it is Lily White indeed.

    As one of the Commentators, SOHEIR said, the leaders, the businessmen who bend and force them, are at fault, and that happens anywhere and everywhere, and it has happened now, in the past and till the end of the world! For this, Alas.


    Liked by 4 people

  10. Not the best of posts in testing times, Imran. However, I do get the bigger picture.
    Better the devil you know, than the devil you don’t know, is what I’d say to you.
    Cheers and have a great 2016!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Democracy is just a thinly-veiled disguise for hypocrisy (and fitnah) – very good post, brother, Allah bless and protect you, and give you a very happy new year

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Hey! Imran…..You are one of my favorite bloggers here.. and I find your blog adorable…so I am nominating you for the SUNSHINE BLOGGER AWARD….it’s not compulsory to participate but if u wish….u may check out my post for details….😊😊

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Awesome message…with a lot of truth!

    Liked by 3 people

  14. Dear Imran. You are such a deep thinking and obviously caring person. I am in no position to denounce America, or any other nation, for its politics – or the leaders it choose to vote for. For my part, I dislike any country that perpetuates racial or religious hatred, but there are many in the world that do so. As I’ve said before, I yearn for the day when we all live in harmony and show understanding and tolerance towards each other. Perhaps that’s a dream that will never happen, but I cling to it in hope.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I do agree with you my dear Millie.
      But True Democracy does not exist today.. contemporary democracy is not a true model what Volatair and Roussou dreamt.


      • You’re probably right, Imran. The world is a very different place today and ‘true models’ of many concepts don’t exist any more. They’ve changed as the peoples of the world have changed. I’m not saying that’s a good thing, but that’s just how it is, and I’m not knowledgeable enough about politics to even suggest how to proceed from here. I only know that democracy is vital to any country. The alternatives are certainly not good. Thank you for the thought-provoking posts, Imran.

        Liked by 2 people

      • You are most welcome
        Prof Millie !


      • I enjoy you posts very much, Imran. They always make me think. If you write about history or geography, I can respond with much more clarity. Politics and me just don’t seem to agree! There’s much I see as wrong, or sad in the world, and I know I’m an idealist in wanting peace and harmony for all. But, at my age, I don’t think I’m going to change now. It needs far more powerful people than me to initiate vital changes. Now I’m rambling, so I’d better be quiet. Best wishes to you, dear Imran.

        Liked by 2 people

      • I assure you I.ll write it. In sha Allah (God willing)

        Even my fav subjects were History and geography as well.
        Thanks for the suggestion.
        Regards !

        Liked by 1 person

      • That’s good to hear! I’ll look forward to reading them.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Avenging the Crusade: west hatred against the muslim world – http://wp.me/p5sKku-17


    • Rather than aiming for yet another change of politicians and parties in power, why not aim for a change of the political system itself? As representative democracy sinks into crisis, we need to go back to democracy in its original meaning as rule of the people. It is time to imagine what real democracy would look like and to create institutions and mechanisms that could be the building blocks of genuinely democratic societies.

      Today, democracy is equated with representative government based on free elections of political elites that rule on the citizens’ behalf. This system, referred to as “representative democracy”, has been the dominant one in the West for the last two hundred years and is now being exported across the world and promoted as the only possible alternative to outright dictatorship.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. LOL, the dp is an epic really and as always you have nailed the complex issues very well and I agree with you when you say “entire concept and mechanism of aid and assistance devised by the United States is devoid of earnestness to serve the humanity”
    However, this mentality holds true for probably 90% American citizens who think their establishment and military is going GOOD to invade sovriegn countries -bombing for bringing democracy. I denouce such tactics, sorry to say that I don’t agree that super powers really have much humanity as they would like us to think. I have had American women/people tell me how good drone strikes are for people of Pakistan, because it is getting rid of Taliban militants – whereas drones have struck at civilian populations and killed/injured innocent civilians and children.
    The west also needs to get over the fact that they are NOT the world’s best nations etc and etc. They make war, they destroy others economies to build their own economy and then come to those war torn countries with that mechanical aid. Hypocrisy anyone?
    They have condemned and plegded many promises against terrorism, but when their drones kill little children in Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan and elsewhere they ARE SILENT because its their war that is killing our children whereas when girls like Malala Yousafzai get shot, the whole western world goes ga ga ga “Islam bad for Muslim women, lets save Muslim women.” Again hypocricy?
    Someone please tell them that we need no saving and that we have enough guts to save ourselves and don’t really need any white feminism and white imperialism.

    Liked by 3 people

  16. It is an upsetting truth for me to face living as an American, but I don’t disagree.

    Also, I did nominate you for the “One Lovely Blog” Award: https://xaranahara.wordpress.com/2016/01/20/one-lovely-blog-award-brought-to-you-lastly-by-xara-nahara-oconnor/

    (But I understand if you don’t want to write a post about it. I just wanted to let you know that I like your entries a lot.)

    Liked by 2 people

  17. assalamolaikum Imran beta. i need stories of babies who spoke in their mother’s lap like Hazrat Esa and so many others. please if you can find do send me. thank you

    Liked by 2 people

  18. catching up on your blog again! you never disappoint😉 TAKE CARE!! xx

    Liked by 2 people

  19. Insightful! A great thought provoking point (y)

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Great post! Though I cringe a bit, it rings true. What saddens me as an American citizen is that the same forces who usurp our civil rights at home are all comfortable with “nation building” in our external relationships. In my thought, often the economic class is inserting itself where it is not wanted, but our citizens get the blame for their pushiness. L-rd have mercy!

    Liked by 3 people

  21. Great piece Ali. I like how you share your opinion with no filter.

    From a spiritual stand point, I believe there are other ways of explaining the problems of the world…

    I believe America is an opportunist just like any other country. In order to be an opportunist there must be an opportunity. This opportunity translates into capitalism.

    The real disease of this world is currency. Currency is just another way of controlling the minds and the populations.

    We are consciousness. Unfortunately, many human beings are under hypnosis.

    Many of us lack the ability to see beyond the scenery and that is what allows the so called “leaders and governments of the world” to do what they do.

    Liked by 2 people

  22. Very thought provoking and it is unfortunately due to the corruption we often see in leadership.

    Liked by 2 people

  23. A very well stated point! If only we could rid the world from such devious plans perpetuated by the politicians which rule us. I mean, we believe we have voted or selected them to represent us, but at the end, once they are ‘elected’, they do nothing except rule us!! We need intellectual people to awaken the sleeping souls of the Common people. Found your post doing just that, brilliantly! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  24. All the systems have failed miserably.
    We should look for something new which is non exploitative no repression based on equality, and justice for all.


  25. A Messiah whom everyone pretends to love.

    One who seems to love everyone

    One who saves Malala sometimes

    And sometimes abuse afia siddiqi

    One who always make sure to rescue the ones from terrorists muslim whether asked or not

    One who think it’s.his primie duty to give aid to poor third word countries despite the fact it’s in debted itself

    Have u ever seen or heard of such a Messiah!! Welll now you have

    Liked by 3 people

  26. Haha kion sharminda karte hain janab abhe tu likhne kaa shoq paida hwa hai..abhe tu kuch likhat parhat seekhrahe hain hum!

    Bus kuch dukhte rug per haath rakhdia apne!

    Liked by 2 people

  27. Are we playing this game u comment on my post and i like ur post:p

    Liked by 2 people

  28. Hey wait I didn’t get time to read ur bio data “laughs*

    Liked by 2 people

  29. haha can i decide for myself peaseee

    Liked by 2 people

  30. It was lovely reading your bio daa..some one was being modest!

    Liked by 2 people

  31. I would prefer the U.S. not give aid or arms to countries headed by ruthless dictators and theocrats. They only stab us in the back for it and we’d be better off taking care of our own first. The elitists that are running our nations do not have “we the people’s” best interests in mind but only their own wealth and power. Like you say, they expoit for their own ends and America gets hated for it. Screw that noise. Maybe we can set things right once we get rid of Obama-ation.

    Liked by 2 people

  32. Powerful Post and The Comment from “writer from the east” was also too Good.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Your writing deserves more recognition! Cheers

    Liked by 1 person

  34. The problem lies with the U.S. Foreign policy , the President and the administration , not the Americans. I have American friends who are staunch protesters of U.S.military interventions. It is they whom enlightened me that 9/11 was an “inside job”.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. You should rather point the finger at United Nations which does nothing to stop the war crimes , the International Treaties and economic sanctions. I think you’re unaware who is funding the Jihadists and allies of the U.S..

    Liked by 2 people

  36. Powerful post. Funny thing is that foreign aid is arguably not even a Constitutional role of our gov’t. Starting in about 1903 when economic forces used PR to flip the public from supporting the Nicaragua canal. They fomented the manufactured Panamanian revolution w the first flag sewn at Macy’s NYC?!? In the US, the more someone is touted by the press, the more skeptical I become. The press has been the public relations firm for the Establishment for at least 115 yrs. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Genuine post , without exaggeration.
    America is giving aid only to survive not to prosper.

    Liked by 1 person

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