Beware ! Of the Kharijite Fitna (Trial) in the name of Islam


Beware of the Kharijite Fitnah in the Name of Islam!


The most dangerous sect in Islam are the Kharijites (Al-Khawarij). They have existed since the very early period of Islam and they will continue to cause strife in the Muslim nation until the end of time when they will join forces with the False Messiah,Anti Christ (Dajjal). We must be aware of their ideology and characteristics in order to protect ourselves from unwittingly supporting their destructive behavior. The kharijites earned their name from the root “kha-ra-ja” meaning “to go out”, because they exited Islam and the Muslim community due to their heretical innovations.

The kharijite ideology is based upon the following evil tenets:

– Declaring Muslims to be unbelievers.

– Rejecting lawful obedience to the rulers.

– Justifying violence against Muslims and innocent people.

Regarding the first tenet, the correct Islamic belief is that no Muslim can become an unbeliever due to his sins alone. Imam At-Tahawi states: {…} “We do not excommunicate anyone who prays toward Mecca because of his sins as long as he does not consider them lawful, and we do not say sins do not harm the faith of those who commit them.” (Source: Aqeedah At-Tahawi). A Muslim must explicitly disavow Islam in order to be properly considered an unbeliever as Imam at-tahawi states: {…} “A person does not leave faith except by disavowing what brought him into it.” (Source: Aqeedah At-Tahawi). But the Kharijites charge other Muslims with unbelief due to their sins or perceived sins in order to justify their merciless and criminal behavior towards them. Ibn taymiyyah writes:


“The kharijite sect was the first to declare Muslims to be unbelievers because of their sins. They charged as unbelievers whoever disagreed with their innovations and they made lawful the spilling of blood and the taking of wealth. This is the condition of people of innovation, that they invent some religious innovation and then they excommunicate whoever disagrees with them concerning it. Rather, the people of the Sunnah and the community follow the Book and the Sunnah and they obey Allah and His Messenger and follow the truth. They have mercy upon the creation.” (Source: Majmu’ Al-Fatawa 1/278)

True Muslims have mercy upon the entire creation, including unbelievers and idolaters, but the Kharijites have no mercy for those outside their group. They declare other Muslims to be unbelievers by misinterpreting and misapplying the verses of the Quran. Al-Bukhari reported: Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, considered the Kharijites to be the worst of Allah’s creation and said: {…} Indeed, they take verses that were revealed about unbelievers and use them against the believers.” (Source: Sahih Bukhari 6531, Grade: Sahih). In the early period of Islam, they even declared Ali Ibn Abi Talib to be unbeliever when he intended to reconcile with Mu’awiyah.

The Kharijites believe their opinions regarding leadership, government, politics, and the Sharia are the only valid opinions in Islam and whoever disagrees with them becomes an unbeliever. However, the truth is that much of these matters are left open to interpretation and consultation among the Muslims. In fact, the Prophet commanded us to distinguish between the rule of Allah and the rule of people and not to claim our opinions as the rulings of Allah. Buraida reported: When the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, would appoint a commander over the army, he would personally enjoin him to fear Allah and to be good with the Muslims who were with him. The Prophet would say:


“When you besiege the people of a fortress and they appeal to you for protection in the name of Allah and His Prophet, do not give them protection in the name of Allah and His Prophet but rather give them protection in the name of you and your companions. Verily, for you to violate the protection of yourself and your companions is a lesser sin than to violate the protection of Allah and His Messenger. When you besiege the people of a fortress and they appeal  for you to bring them out according to the rule of Allah, do not bring them out according to the rule of Allah but rather bring them out according to your ruling. Verily, you do not know if you will judge with the ruling of Allah concerning them or not.” (Source: Sahih Muslim 1731, Grade: Sahih)

Thus, Muslims must distinguish between the rule of Allah and the rule of people. Yet the Kharijites, who make no such distinction, will charge other Muslims with unbelief who disagree with their views. In fact, the kharijites do not simply declare Muslims to be unbelievers in a theoretical way, but rather they call for violent rebellion against entire Muslim societies.

Regarding the second tenet that is about the Muslim rulers, the correct Islamic belief is that we must obey them in all lawful matters. We should disobey them only if they command us to commit sins and we may not call for a violent overthrow of their governments as long as they allow the prayer. Umm Salamah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: {…} “There will be rulers from whom you will see both goodness and corruption. One who recognizes their evil and hates it will maintain his innocence, but one who is pleased with it and follows them will be sinful.” It was said, “Shall we not fight them?” the Prophet said: {…} “No, as long as they pray.” (Source: Sahih Muslim 1854, Grade: Sahih). Thus, as long as Muslims are allowed to pray and practice the pillars of Islam, rebellion against the rulers will not be justified. However, the Kharijites rebel against the rulers not to protect religion, but for inexcusable worldly reasons.

In general, Muslims must work to reform societies through non-violent methods such as teaching, preaching, and charity. Violence is only the last resort. The Kharijites, on the other hand, charge Muslim leaders with disbelief and those also who do not support their call for violent rebellion. In this way, they justify indiscriminate violence against entire Muslim societies. Abu huraira reported: The messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:


“Whoever rejects obedience to the leader and divides the community and dies will have died upon ignorance. Whoever fights under the banner of one who is blind, raging for the sake of tribalism, or calling to tribalism, or supporting tribalism, and is killed will have died upon ignorance. Whoever rebels against my nation, striking the righteous and wicked alike and sparing not even the believers and does not fulfill the pledge of security, then he has nothing to do with me and I have nothing to do with him.” (Source: Sahih Muslim 1848, Grade: Sahih)

This narration succinctly describes the characteristics of the kharijites and their violent behavior. They reject lawful obedience to Muslim leaders and they fight according to their tribal zeal, which means that they are not concerned with justice for their victims. They attack both the righteous and the wicked, and they do not honor covenants of security and the protection of civilians. In our times, you will see them target markets, bus stations, airports, and other places frequented by unarmed civilians. The purpose of such attacks is not to achieve any immediate military objectives, but rather to spread terror among the population and destabilize the government. Thus, they follow the same path as the first Kharijites in the early period of Islam.

Ibn Kathir writes: {…} “If the Khawarij ever gained power, they would corrupt the entire earth, Iraq, and Syria. They would not leave a boy or a girl or a man or a woman, for in their view the people have become so corrupt that they cannot be reformed except by mass killing.” (Source: Al-Bidayah Wa Nihayah 10/584). Wherever they appear, the kharijites cause division among the Muslims at large and even among their own groups. Whenever they form a group, it is not long before splinter groups and off-shoots appear with each one claiming to have the right to seize the Caliphate.

Wahb Ibn Munabbih said:


“I knew the early period of Islam. By Allah, the Kharijites never had a group except that Allah caused it to split due to their evil condition. Never did one of them proclaim his opinion except that Allah caused his neck to be struck. Never did the Muslim nation unite upon a man from the Kharijites. If Allah had allowed the opinion of the Kharijites to take root, the earth would have been corrupted, the roadways would have been cut off, the Hajj pilgrimage to the sacred house of Allah would have been cut off, and the affair of Islam would have returned to ignorance until the people would seek refuge in the mountains as they had done in the time of ignorance. If there were to arise among them ten or twenty men, there would not be a man among them except that he would claim the Caliphate for himself. With each men among them would be ten thousand others, all of them fighting each other and charging each other with unbelief until even the believer would fear for himself, his religion, his life, his family, his wealth, and he would not know where to travel or with whom he should be.” (Source: Ta’reekh Dimshaq 69290)

Nevertheless, the Kharijites have been successful recruiting ignorant or desperate Muslims. The Prophet describes them as using beautiful Islamic rhetoric and selling “foolish dreams” to the Muslim masses. Ali Ibn Abu Talib reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: {…} “In the last days, there will be young people with foolish dreams. They will say the best of words in creation but they will pass through Islam just as an arrow passes  through its game. Their faith will not go beyond their throats.” (Source: Sahih Bukhari 4770, Grade Muttafaqun Alayhi). Their “foolish dreams” are their promises of an Islamic Utopia, a glorious jihad, a new Caliphate that will bring honor and strength back to the Muslims. Yet, their dreams are unrealistic and their methodologies dangerous to the very people they claim to be helping. Their understanding of faith is so shallow, superficial, and hypocritical that they cause even greater harm to Muslim community. Like their predecessors, their preaching and propaganda entices people to join their cause but by their actions they are the worst of creation, even though they recite the Quran and call to Islam. They bring forth verses of the Quran to bolster their arguments but wield them against the objectives of Islam.

Sa’eed Ibn Jubair reported: We were met by Abdullah Ibn Umar and we hoped that he would narrate to us a good saying. A man approached him and he said, “O Abu Abdur Rahman, tell us about fighting during times of persecution as Allah said: And fight until there is no more persecution.” (2:193). Ibn Umar said: {…} “Do you know what persecution is? May your mother be bereaved of you! Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, only fought the idolaters as there was persecution for practicing their religion. It was not like your fighting for the sake of ruling.” (Source: Sahih Bukhari 6682, Grade: Sahih). The purpose of a just war in Islam is to end religious persecution and to protect innocent people, yet the Kharijites use such verses to further persecute Muslims and to justify their worldly ambitions of political power.

World will keep witnessing the violent call of the Kharijites appearing again and again until the end of time when the False Messiah appears among them. They follow the same Satanic forces from which will emerge the greatest tribulation and suffering ever faced by humanity. Abdullah Ibn Amr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: {…} “There will emerge from the east some people from my nation who will recite the Quran but it will not go beyond their throats. Every time a faction of them emerges it will be cut off.” The prophet repeated this and on the tenth time he said: {…} “Every time a faction of them emerges it will be cut off until the False Messiah emerges from their remnants.” (Source: Musnad Ahmad 27767, Grade: Sahih). As such, in our times we are witnessing a number of conflicts between oppressive governments and rebel Kharijite forces. Muslims are stuck between the spear of the ruler and the sword of the rebel. In such cases, we must remain patient and work to reform and improve our communities through education, preaching, and charity.

Abdullah Ibn Amr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: {…} “There will be a tribulation that will wipe out the Arabs in which those killed on both sides are in the Hellfire. In that time the tongue will be stronger than the sword.” (Source: Musnad Ahmad 6941, Grade: Sahih). If we are not careful, we might fall into the sins of either side of the conflict by legitimizing the misdeeds of an oppressive government or justifying acts of terrorism in response. We should not rush to support one or the other side in such conflicts as they are tribulations (fitnah) in which the truth is unclear. Therefore, we must be patient, resist calls for violence, and avoid getting involved in these conflicts. If we are patient, it will not be long before Allah will give us a way out. But if we call for violence, then Allah will heap more violence upon us. Haan Al-Basri, may Allah have mercy on him, said: {…} “If the people had patience when they are being tested by their unjust ruler, it will not be long before Allah will give them a way out. However, they always rush to their swords, so they are left with their swords. By Allah, not even for a single day did they bring about any good.” (Source: Tabaqat Al-Kubra 8789)

Satan intends to use the alluring call of the Kharijites as a means to drag us into the Hellfire. We have to resist them by upholding the true teachings of Islam: mercy with the creation, patience, with hardship, justice with our enemies. The Kharijites intend to impress us by their outward displays of faith, but inwardly they have no faith. It is only by understanding the true spirit of Islam in both its inward and outward teachings that we can save ourselves, our children, and our communities or societies from falling under the influence of their dangerous ideology.

131 comments on “Beware ! Of the Kharijite Fitna (Trial) in the name of Islam

  1. Muslims must speak out and explain who they are, what they believe in, what they stand for, what is the meaning of their life. They must have the courage to denounce what is said and done by certain Muslims in the name of their religion.

    Liked by 9 people

  2. Very detailed and true words. Shows how much you’ve had to research it. It is really saddening to see the name of Muslims spoiled by a fraction of people, to see the flag of Islam being used for things which have no existence or place in Islam.

    Liked by 9 people

  3. Soo important !!!
    Those people make the image of Islam very bad!!
    I hope all the non moslem world read this article Imran!!
    We need to present the real Islam to the whole world!!
    May Allah bless you dear bro Imran Ali!!
    Be happy !!

    Liked by 9 people

  4. Reblogged this on soheirsaber.

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  5. Such a thoughtful and informative post …..Thankyou:)

    Liked by 3 people

  6. I am being a bit off topic but I think you should read this article at http://muslimmatters.org/2015/08/24/khawarij-ideology-isis-savagery-part-one/

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Very nice informative and much needed article! I think Muslims need to take a stand for themselves and to make it clear that in no way ISIS is associated with teachings of Islam or are muslims as claimed by them.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Yes, and we need to make it absolutely clear to this world that we Muslim Ummah has nothing to do with ISIS/ Taliban and such extremist groups.
      In reality Muslims are suffering greatly due to ISIS nonsense and I am thinking that in future I am going to write more on this topic considering that they are recruiting innocent jobless people on an unholy war that Allah SWT has NOT sanctioned.

      Liked by 5 people

  8. Thank you so much sharing this Imran. 😊

    Liked by 4 people

  9. nominated you for the sunshine blogger award.. do check and participate if possible 🙂 🙂

    Sunshine Blogger Award

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Welcome.imran ali sahib!! I respect ut thoughts.Muhammad saahib,d prophet had not allowed d voilence against d general people n given massege of universal silence n peace.he had protested only d curription at arabic area.bt after his death;islaam had divided into many parts.bt they all lived with peace in thier areas.now these Kharijite r belong from which area n tribe.i think dt they all should go to hell.because of them,all muslims r disturbed n unpopular in all world.i see newspaper in which here n there dead bodies of innocent men women n childern r spreaded in d open fields.i think dt these kharijite want to rule all word bt dis is impossible coz blood n iron is not permanent device for esteblishment of new empire.history tells us.they r selfish n mony minded guys.they will never know about kindness,merciness n values of humankind.here r needed to protest them by true muslims n all peace likers of d world.i have seen n rememberd still now d pic of a helpless father with his three or four years son.he is in tears n pain n his son is consoling him.like him all guy r crying n wounding at boarder of syria.what n why r happening dt tragadies with those natives in thier own nations.i pray fom God plz may spoil all Kharijites n save all there’s natives.all hunan have same feeling n to live with peace.blood’s coulor of all humans r same.r khrijites special?they r not real muslim bt wild animal who r demolshed by God.God bless all innocent guys of syria n iraq.

    Liked by 4 people

  11. Mashaa Allah, Dear brother, i must ask, what do you have in store for us in this Ramadhan? I would like to read stories of the sahabas like, Khalid Bin Waleed (R.A), Umar Ibn Khattab (R.A).. Or have you posted any recently? – Cezane

    Liked by 2 people

  12. I truly wish things would be simple. It’s sad how tarnished the name of Islam has become. Thank you for this

    Liked by 2 people

  13. I deeply regret reading your posts so late .

    Liked by 2 people

  14. That was very informative, my Dear Imran! Thanks for Sharing. As-Salaam.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Mohammad Ali (the world heavyweight Boxing Champion )

    To Donald Trump

    After Trump announced his plan to ban all Muslims from entering the US, Ali condemned it and the Republican loud-mouth without even having to mention his name:
    I am a Muslim and there is nothing Islamic about killing innocent people in Paris, San Bernardino, or anywhere else in the world. True Muslims know that the ruthless violence of so called Islamic jihadists goes against the very tenets of our religion.
    We as Muslims have to stand up to those who use Islam to advance their own personal agenda. They have alienated many from learning about Islam. True Muslims know or should know that it goes against our religion to try and force Islam on anybody.
    Speaking as someone who has never been accused of political correctness, I believe that our political leaders should use their position to bring understanding about the religion of Islam and clarify that these misguided murderers have perverted people’s views on what Islam really is.

    Liked by 3 people

  16. Thank you so much for the time and hard work you put into your research. I am still so new here that I am not clear about how to go about sharing this on my blog in the proper format so it points to your page. If you are willing to advise me, I would be honored to share this on my blog. This needs to go viral.

    If you happen to look at my page, please don’t be fooled by a couple of the titles of my posts. I am very sarcastic and I wanted to make people feel. There is one post that says something about no more Syrians equals no more terrorism in America. I was trying to show certain people how stupid their logic is. The first whites to come here started spreading terror among the Natives immediately. Islamic terrorists ain’t got nothing on white, Christian Americans. I think the Christians invented terrorism. After 53 years of calling myself a Christian, I have walked away. If hatred in one’s heart is a requirement in order to be a Christian, then I’m out.

    There are a few of us in this country who wish for peace and joy for ALL people on this planet. The hatred that permeates this country has managed to sick most of the joy out of my life.

    I didn’t mean to ramble but it seems that is what I do best in life! Thank you so much for bringing new knowledge into my life !



    Liked by 4 people

  17. Jazzakh Allah Khairran fr this reminder Brother! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Subhann’Allah, brother, this is a blessing to read. Masha’Allah, it is a very well documented warning against the fitnah we are surrounded by – may Allah bless you deeply and make your words spread widely to the Muslims. Barak Allah fikum, brother, may Allah protect you and your family, ya Rabb il Alameen, Ameen!

    Liked by 3 people

  19. […] Source: Beware ! Of the Kharijite Fitna (Trial) in the name of Islam […]

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Jazak’Allah Khair for this amazing post Brother Imran. I find that our Ummah lacks tremendously not only in religious knowledge but also in knowing its own history. Much of what is happening today find their parallels in our past. If we are not aware of our own history, we are bound to repeat it. Can’t thank you enough for writing this.

    Liked by 2 people

  21. Very well written.👌
    If we look upon the circumstances practically then it’s pretty hard to prove our point theoretically. What we need rn is action. As they say actions speak louder than words. Despite how much we try to convince Non-Muslims there always be some kind of doubt in their hearts and minds. We need to show them what Islam is. How beautiful the religion is. And that can only happen if we chose to represent our religion. Be proud of it rather than running away from it.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Reblogged this on Blogging Theology and commented:
    Excellent article

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  23. /IMG_20160705_WA0011.jpg

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  24. I went through this post once again, my Dear Imran. I particularly like these words: ‘The true teachings of Islam: mercy with the creation, patience, with hardship, justice with our enemies.’ Regards.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Imran, thanks for the wisdom you always share in your messages! God bless my brother!

    Liked by 3 people

  26. salaam alaykum akhi. I have written about this as well. Nice blog.

    Liked by 2 people

  27. As you know, I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog. So, I’d like to nominate you for a Liebster Award. Your blog deserves to be better known. Your writing is very insightful. You can take a look at the rules of the Liebster here: https://wordpress.com/post/troublesomethirtiesblog.wordpress.com/1475

    Liked by 2 people

  28. How are u dear brother?


  29. sir may i ask you one thing


  30. Hello…. That’s samiksha here…..may I know have u talked to my friend sameera?


  31. So enlightening and so true! Distorting religious and spiritual beliefs to justify such heinous acts is nothing new, but people continue to let their minds be mislead by the few. Ha! That rhymes and I didn’t even try! Anyway, more need to read this so I am sharing it on stumbledupon!

    Liked by 2 people

  32. Kharijits or khawarij have existed from the start, from the time of Hazoor Pak Saw but the fact that they are Hijacking the real peaceful Islam at present, this is alarming. We have to perform our duties, individually, Instead of thinking about whose duty it is to finish them.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. jazakAllah Imran for service you are doing. keep going. May Almighty Allah bless you and with your sincere effort guide Muslims and clear the doubts of others who think Muslims are terrorists

    Liked by 3 people

  34. Happy Eid to u Imran dear bro!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  35. Great ever article i have seen, All the signs mentioned in Bukhari etc are found among them.

    Liked by 1 person

  36. A really comprehensive and detailed account, Imran. I can only imagine how long it took to draw all your points together. I won’t go into my feelings about the allocation of blame on entire cultures/nations when a mere minority is at fault, other than to say how much it saddens me that people world-wide do just that. I’d never heard of the Karijites, so thank you for enlightening me about them. Violence should never be condoned, no matter who the perpetrator. Peace and happiness to you, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you !

      Yes it was a tough task to collect all classical scholars Fatawas.
      In every era and past history muslim scholars denounced such ideologies penetrate in islamic movements.

      Kharijites always tried to split muslims of the world sometime linguistic, regional, racial, ideological,
      And school of thoughts ….but keep that in mind that the whole muslims of world are one.

      Islam is not a new religion
      We muslims belive that when Adam set foot in earth he preached islam .
      And all Abrahamic religions is islam
      Father Abraham preached monothiesm and islam is a synonym of monotheism …..as Abrahamic religious books old testament new testament refer to judo christian islamic holy book is last and final testament and islam in continuation of the one true God faith is reached on the culmination point.

      People must know and understand this ….so they may have a better understanding of each other to establish a tolerant and peaceful society.

      Love &

      Liked by 1 person

  37. Very nice informative, but I still have doubts 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  38. 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼

    Liked by 1 person

  39. Excellent article ! Bravo ! Dispelled much of the stigma attached to Islam and Muslims. The purity of Islam has been tarnished by terrorism and religious fanatics.

    Liked by 2 people

  40. Many thanks Imran for this comprehensive and extremely enlightening article. I stopped speaking to God many years ago but I admire those who still have faith(and it doesn’t concern me which faith as long as it is not harmful). I have read an English translation of the Q’uran but it was difficult to take it all on board. The quotes you have given are particularly useful in understanding what the messenger PBUH was trying to relate. I shall reblog this fine piece of work. If only we could all consider such wisdom and redirect our thoughts better, there would be understanding based on knowledge in what it means to be of Islam.We could all do with sane and pragmatic thinking as opposed to a rush to judgement whenever we don’t understand something and cannot be bothered to try. The words of your Imam’s certainly resonate with me.
    Allah’s blessings on you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Asslam alaikum !
      Mohanadeer !

      I think Mohanadeer is your name but couldn’t understand the wether it’s faminin or masculine I am sorry for my little understanding I can only guess.
      Well I am glad to know that u read it all understands and commented.
      Your beautiful words of encouragement and appreciation…filled me with enthusiasm and energy again.

      May Almighty protect you from all evils your family and ppl around you .

      Plz get in touch

      Love &
      Regards !!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I am a female pensioner of Irish Catholic roots and my name is Susan. My mother, more than fifty years ago, would not tolerate any kind of bigotry or denouncement of other peoples religion. There was a painted slogan on a red brick end terrace wall which read “Paki bashing OK” and when I asked my mother what it meant I received a backhander which put me on the floor with a fat lip(things were rather different 60 years ago)and only as an afterthought did my mother ask of me how I came by such words and having explained , she then told me why it was wrong. That memory has stayed with me all these years and is the reason why I consider bigotry to be the last bastion of the feeble minded.
        I did try to understand the messengers words, but I have a feeble education, having left school before I even got notification of my O level results(I still only have my mother’s recollection of them prior to my father binning them)but I have an enquiring mind on all matters. That is why your article is such a treasure trove.
        The avatar picture of the Russian dray horses isn’t supposed to give anything away so you could not know my gender and no apology required. What limited knowledge I have about the Islamic faith could be very much extended simply by reading your previous publications and following the links you have provided here. Many thanks for all your work.
        🙂 Susan

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you Susan Ma’am for explaining so much from your vivid background.

        I am glad to know about your current thinking and point of view.
        Since your first comment I got the idea that you r very nice lady at heart,and off course not a bigot. I am pleased to have a reader like like you.
        Kindly tell me more about you …I really wanna know.

        May God bless you !!

        Take care !


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