Who is Liberated in the West ? Part 2


Is Paradise for Men Only?

One cannot predict how long this paradise will continue to thrive, but it is clear that if there should happen a real women’s awakening and real women’s liberation movement then its end would be easier to foresee. The women movement has done nothing to change the way men and women live together as man and wife. In fact, it has created the type of society many men would crave; free sex, no marriage constraints, and no financial responsibilities. Most men applaud women’s strides in the liberation movement because they know they are being let off the hook more and more as time goes by. Deep inside them they realize they would never trade places with a woman because her life is filled to the brim with extra financial demands, a lower social status, and more stress.


What bothers most women about men in the west is that while they expect their wives  to work outside, they still call house work “women’s work.” And then there is a man who makes his wife feel inferior by reminding her his salary is bigger than hers. In what way is this woman liberated when she is performing so much more than her share towards her relationship, marriage and family?


Only a few years ago women cleverly designed legally binding contracts called prenuptial agreements to protect their assets and economic security during marriage and in case of divorce. Men accused women who asked for such contracts, manipulative and demanding, simply because she was looking out for herself.


If a woman has property, a high paying career or other assets, it becomes a partial property of her future husband if she does not state otherwise in a prenuptial agreements. This portrays the double standard women in the west face. Whenever a man asserts himself or “beats the system,” he is called intelligent and resourceful, but if a woman asserts herself, she is called manly or aggressive. The system is designed so that men are the only ones allowed to play.

70 comments on “Who is Liberated in the West ? Part 2

  1. I guess no. Bit since we’re loving in a man Dominated Society. 😦

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  2. A bitter truth is that the sufferings of women are just the same in the whole world. Even when religioun grants rights, don’t people do the same thing, citing society and culture.
    Too difficult to change mindset of the society, but hopes and prayers are always there, in a woman’s heart!

    Liked by 1 person

    • The smart Muslim woman is one who strikes a balance between her external appearance and internal nature. She understands that she is composed of a body, a mind and a soul, and gives each the attention it deserves, without exaggerating in one aspect to the detriment of others. In seeking to strike the right balance, she is following the wise guidance of Islam which encourages her to do so.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Absolutely. But do you think the society which tells woman to do so, allows her the same?
        Alhamdulilah, I’ve been lucky that my parents and post marriage my family has been supportive. Yet, I see women suppressed because of the society’s ideology.
        Not all woman are allowed to become smart, at least we can say this does happen in the subcontinent where we live. Islam gives woman so much, but is man really allowing her to. Only a man who has sound knowledge of Islam and fears Allah, really does give a woman that what she deserves.
        Allah knows best, what’s in the hearts. 🙂

        Liked by 3 people

      • True very
        Thanks for your input.

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  3. A totally accurate portrayal of life, not just in the West. Misogyny is a global disease.

    Liked by 2 people

    • True …
      .any positive solution ..?


      • A serious challenge – I like that. It all begins with self-empowerment. That’s the key. But one has to understand what the concept means, what it entails, or it’s just hot air in the wind. I think you’re following my blog, so you may have read some essays I wrote there on s/e. Basically, s/e means total self-reliance in all that’s spiritual and mental and as much as practicable, in physical as well, i.e., choice of food, exercise, work. It means complete rejection (!) of all man-invented collective complexes, from family to divinity. It means absolutely no attachments (as in idolatrous) that can control one’s individuality or movement. I had a dream last night in which I was challenged into helping people “somewhere” and it didn’t matter where, the point was that if I chose this thing I would never return “home” again and never see the people I know. I chose to go because that’s who and what I am, so it was no longer choice I needed to ponder, or worry over. S/e means taking responsibility for every aspect of one’s life; it means to choose a purpose for life and become that purpose eventually. Mine is compassion. I thought when I chose that, that it would be a “safe” concept to plunge into as unlike love, compassion cannot be faked; the Matrix, and its religions and other power collectives have no hooks into compassion: it is a deadly poison the them all.

        Solution to man’s dilemma, including the disease of misogyny is: self-empowerment for all, men, women and children. Taking responsibility for one’s life. Self-reliance in mental and spiritual consciousness as as much as possible, in the physical as well, such as avoidance of gross “sins” such as greed, gluttony, accumulation of ostentatious wealth, or living ostentatiously in fame and fortune. Choosing an irrevocable life purpose, or becoming an avatar of such that in the end you become your very purpose. Then, and only then will the other issues people struggle with daily begin to lose their power and appeal.

        Self empowerment… isn’t easy. There is no path, no guidance, no support from anyone, or anything else. It’s a loner’s way and nothing that crosses that path is to be trusted. Everything is suspect, predatory, dangerous. In closing, an interesting quote from the Christian New Testament
        Ephesians 6:12 “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against
        the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
        Interesting what you can find even in “religious” books. Truths… to better hide the lies.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Yes, we need to work on with men more at least in the EAST in making them understand that there is nothing in having strong women as mothers, sisters, daughters and wives and also that being insecure of strong women is not the answer because that leads to misogyny a global disease and quite rampant in sub-continent.

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Hey.
    I nominated you for Sunshine Blogger Award. Congratulations and all the best. For details, you can check my post. ^_^

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Men regardless of their educational background or socio-economic status , has always (will always) regard women as inferior creatures. They (men) insecure of losing their dominating masculinity if women possess more control over their lives. Men tell women how to dress , speak , act…..etc……no matter East or West , men has used/abused religion to degrade women….even a women has been raped , she’s expected to shut up….Being “aggressive” is the only way women can live up their lives as dignified beings.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The smart Muslim woman is one who strikes a balance between her external appearance and internal nature. She understands that she is composed of a body, a mind and a soul, and gives each the attention it deserves, without exaggerating in one aspect to the detriment of others. In seeking to strike the right balance, she is following the wise guidance of Islam which encourages her to do so.


      • I disagree totally. Based on historical evidence, no organized Male God dominated religion can ever be trusted to treat women as equals with men. It’s not in their agenda. In religion, women are automatically seen as inferior to men; as men’s providers and care-takers, and as the ones who not only bear the children but are stuck to raise them, often alone and in dire circumstances. No organized religion, Islam included, has ever gone out of its way to protect and support women, and hold men accountable for their acts against women. There was one recent publicized event where a young women was falsely accused of burning the Koran. She was hauled out of her prayer place, beaten to death and set on fire – by Muslim males. Where was Allah when that happened? Where was the Christian God when 1.5 million women were burned alive at the stake in Europe during the dark ages? When it comes to women’s rights, religion is the last place of justification to deny those rights; religions are the ultimate place for blatant hypocrisy.

        Liked by 4 people

      • If Islam makes you a judgmental, hateful, arrogant person… You’re not practicing it right.

        Liked by 2 people

      • [quote] If Islam makes you a judgmental, hateful, arrogant person… You’re not practicing it right. [unquote] If Islam – or any organized, man-made religion is such a poor, or badly designed tool that it can be so easily misused, as clearly witnessed by history, then an intelligent person would get rid of the tool and design a better, safer one. There is nothing “sacred” about any religion; it’s just another tool designed by crafty psychopaths to control vast populations to their own ends. The scam works because people are brainwashed to believe in the unprovable existence of invisible deities who can do no wrong. Since these “deities” can only rule through empowerment by powerful men, the results are predictable: violence, bloodshed, injustice, corruption and oppression. That is the historical trail of all successfully organized religions, bar none. Until the people of earth learn that only self-empowerment through compassion for one-another can make the change they ostensibly desire, the pattern as described will continue to hold sway until nothing is left but ruins. To quote Shakespeare: “The fault dear Brutus is not in our stars (read Gods) but in ourselves.”

        Liked by 1 person

      • O you who believe! Be upholders of justice, bearing witness for Allah alone, even against yourselves or your parents and relatives. Whether they are rich or poor, Allah is well able to look after them. Do not follow your own desires and deviate from the truth. If you twist or turn away, Allah is aware of what you do. (Surat an-Nisa’: 135)

        Allah also reminds people not to sacrifice truth and honesty in moments of anger:

        O you who believe! Show integrity for the sake of Allah, bearing witness with justice. Do not let hatred for a people incite you into not being just. Be just. That is closer to heedfulness. Have fear of Allah. Allah is aware of what you do. (Surat al-Ma’ida: 8)

        Holy Qur’an


    • It appears, based on the history of the Iron Age, that indeed women can only gain social and political equality with men by fighting for it. Of course, women could choose to practice “satyagraha” regarding giving men sex. Refuse sexual favours; refuse to “bear their children” and refuse to do the expected menial labour, not as a collective of women, but as individual, self-empowered woman. A tough choice but without it, nothing will change. Men will be seen for what they really are if they turn violent against women when denied their expected sexual treats.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Agree….deny men sex and they’ll wage war against us….ever heard of gang rape? That’s war against women….the reason? Men wants us to be slaves in prison called home and never wanted us to venture out of home….

        Liked by 3 people

  6. The #1 problem of Earth humanity isn’t war; it isn’t pollution; it isn’t climate change: it’s misogyny. Fear of woman that turns to repression of woman; a global condition that is as unnatural as it is prevalent. This is a story older even than man’s history; rooted in a past that has been expunged from all mainstream sources of information. A past rooted in man’s “twisted” beginnings. To understand misogyny, one has to understand the beginnings of organized religions and why they were invented. To understand that, one has to delve into hidden history; the history of alien invasions; of cloning of domestic animals and man as a source of slave labour, then woman, designed to serve men, sexually and as a domestic servant. There were “the gods” who cloned man and had power of life and death over their slaves. So the slaves learned to serve and to worship, to stay alive and to be fed. But when the “gods” cloned women to serve the men, the men then became entitled to serve as gods over the women, claiming the same right of life and death over women. That is the spark of evil that has flared into a fire and burned this world for millennia. The System whose power depends on treachery and lies (disinformation) is still attempting to hide this old information from the rank and file but much is breaking out now all over the Internet. You can check it out if you want, with the caution: caveat emptor (let the buyer beware) there is much more disinformation than truth. The best approach is, “believe all things, believe IN nothing.” Open mind, shield up, sword at the ready!


  7. Sadly, society molds this idea so much that both women and men give into it and see it as the norm. Information like this is greatly appreciated! More eyes need to be opened to the disparity that continues.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hello Imran !
    How have you been!
    I hope you’re okay!
    Peace be unto you dear bro and friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. So nice to read something like this from a man

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  10. Why r u opposed d liberation of women?women r more honest n responsible in every field.u have counted those problems belonged from woman.those problems r presented in those area where r not such libration.there men more misbehave with woman than west.dis is a unsolved problem in d world.

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  11. I suppose this is true. Not only men but women also consider house chore’s women’s work. if her husband helps her then he is considered something great while the wife in question is just doing her duty. Most of this psychology comes from the way we have seen our parents divide chores. Lifting heavy things, doing labour works is often considered a man’s domain.

    Another peculiar thing about marriage is a woman tries not to marry a man with lower salary than him. Even if she may be working, the man is considered the bread-earner.

    The World is changing. We can see examples of stay at home fathers, women conductors and auto rickshaw drivers. In North-East India women are more out-going than man. The subjects such as dowry were never even considered there. So though what you are saying is Universal, it is not absolute.

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  12. Read your post..totally agree with your points.. But I do not think there’s going to be a very big Change or revolution in this respect Whether it would be about west or asia or Europe.. A girl is getting education, post, job whatever she deserves but when you talk on religious terms, the world is going to be same.. don’t take me as Orthodox or bigot.. I am speaking what I have felt

    Liked by 1 person

  13. You are Right, Slowly “men” are getting let off the “hook” to support the Family and prefer being Caretakers at home or Chefs in the Kitchen. They have more time to watch TV and Drink also.
    The Woman is moving suddenly very fast Upwards.
    Let’s wait and see, what happens in next 10 years !!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. What do you mean with the West? I do not understand this term! Have you been to any country except Arabic ones? I doubt so. Your article is full of generalizations and prejudices without any real specific knowledge because life and the situation in countries are diverse and not that simple as you describe it. No basis for discussing anything. Useless!


    • Kindly tell me about me any generalisations and prejudices. ..?

      If u able to mark few……


      • Just look in your title which is self-explanatory “… the West …”, your starting-point is wrong from the beginning. There is no “West”, about what are you speaking is your understanding of the world, but you are not talking of specific people, countries, regions. Are you speaking of Europe? America? Greenland? Scandinavian countries? People in these countries are very different in culture, attitude, a.s.o. Even in my country people and genders are very diverse depending on the region, so your article is just stubborn and annoying me really a lot. There are a lot of more possibilities on how to organize social relationships than described in your post. So it is useless to continue this correspondence. We have actually other problems here in Berlin, and we are now not blaming the “Arab world” (which is of course also a generalization) to be a monster. Good night!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Lol
        U still didn’t marked any generalisation and prejudices …kindly tell me r u a westerner?
        Or bangladeshi..?


      • It is just quite stupid to communicate with you, because you do not read anything what I have written, because you have a certain mission to fulfill. As you like. So, I explain to you again finally, there is nothing like the “West” or the “Arabs” or the “Muslims” or the “Christians” or the “Europeans”, a.s.o. Our world is consisting of diversity which you certainly do not know – otherwise you would not have written such an ignorant post. الى اللقاء


      • I am as stupid as your selective reading….you couldn’t tell me anything wrong about my post neither you point out a single thing ….anyways I won’t blame you


      • Yes, exactly, the main problem is your selective view of the world. All Westerners are so and so. But you have discovered it . blablabla … stupid because you do not like it all when someone is telling you that things are different. I now leave you alone in your “arabic” dreamland.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hahahaha
        You proved me right…
        U ve been scarstic Arabs N Arabic….

        Thank you very much indeed for your hatred.


      • Just read my last post concerning the terrorist attack here in my town in Berlin, there you will not find any kind of hatred or prejudices. I have visited a lot of Arabic countries and know a lot of kind and friendly Arabic people who would never share your intolerant opinions.

        But your way of interpreting the world is making it impossible to communicate in a reasonable way because it is you who does not like people from Europe or USA, what you have shown very clearly in your post full of ugly prejudices!

        Liked by 1 person

      • I am sorry for my Las remarks ….but kindly read all my posts ..if u have time …I am not generalising the west ….but what they did and think about eastern ppl I think u don’t know …
        Kindly read my previous posts
        I have many western friends they are really good brave and truthful I criticise the western government and its policies not people.

        Sorry if i hurt you
        But not Sorry if you belong to my part of the world.


  15. These are truths. However you should take into account the civil rights enjoyed by women in the West and constitutional protections which is denied to women at Middle East. See my short essay , ” The Invisible Daughters of Afghanistan”.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Your blog is amazing. Profound articles. Great work put up. It inspired me. Thankyou 💖
    Happy 2019!

    Liked by 1 person

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